After yesterdays rain everything seems refreshed and clean. It smells wonderful and is pleasantly cool.
The view across to Morgans Hill was spectacular, with the mist hovering across the fields.
It was also quite wet and muddy, so my short legged friend will need a bath, which he hates.
I do love the views up here.
The children break up for summer holidays in the next week or so, which usually means the weather will change and we will get rain. I don't have very much wet weather gear, well, I have a kagool, which does on a normal shortish walk, but it does not breathe so you can get very damp. I am also having problems with my boots, they appear to let in water!!!! I only got this pair at the beginning of the year and I spray them, as is needed, but as I have found the last few days walking through heavy dew in fields, I end up with wet feet, not pleasant.
So today is the end of week 2. Today I completed 13939 steps, giving me a grand total of 184302, that is 18% done.
Love the pictures!