Thursday, 12 July 2018

Day 12, 12th July

Remember a few days back I said I thought my Fitbit had broken, it hadn't, I didn't know what I was doing and although the Fitbit went up in thousands, if you went to your Fitbit page you could actually see the exact number of steps you had done for the day. So that means I  have done myself out of 5558 steps, which I will add today. Just in case anyone queries it  I can prove this.
It also means I won't update this blog  my Diabetes UK Step count page and my JustGiving Page until the next day.  I have found as  I wear my Fitbit all the time I was missing out on quite a number of steps each day after I had posted my updates,  often go out and water and potter in the garden after, doing the update and as you can see I was missing out on quite a few steps!

So this morning at 05.15 I was up at Yatesbury Airfield again, this is across the road from where  park

As you can see the sun was already up and looking stunning

Darcy raring to go.

I really must remember my camera!

The ground is so dry and baked hard that if we did have rain it would just flood

I noticed on my way back from Devizes yesterday, that they where harvesting the corn up by my 'Red Barn' walk, the reason I noticed was the huge amount of dust being kicked up by the combine harvesters, there is no substance to the corn this year.

The farmer down the road still has has Dairy Herd in!! Never known that.

I  will need to do an evening walk to make up my steps today. Either that or go shopping!!!

This evening we have clouds!! Proper clouds not whispy things.It was lovely didn't even need sunglasses.

Tomorrow (Friday) there is a forecast of thunder. Remind me when it rains, if I complain just how hot it was walking in the sun lol!

Steps today 13365

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