Definitely on a go slow today, even though the alarm is set for 05.15 at the start of this I would have been up and dressed and out the door before 05.30, I'm lucky if I'm out before 05.45 now!!
So around the village this morning, and no sun and a pleasant 11C
it was glorious, thoroughly enjoyed our morning walk
love it when its so quiet.
Past the village church, St Andrews dates from the 13th-century rebuilding and the south arcade survives from that period. The tower is 15th century and the building was restored in 1840 and 1976.
The local public house, The Ivy Inn was built in the 17th century; some of the property deeds date from 1684. It seems to be going through a number of tenants at the moment, rather too quickly. The talk in the village is Wadworths (Brewery) are probably going to look to sell it to property developers! We shall see.
Part way through today I realised how close I was to hitting 250000, so I dug deep and did an extra long evening walk.
My total steps today 14874 giving me a grand total so far of 251320!!