Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Day 30, 30th July

A very overcast and currently dry morning and 17C. They have obviously tried to get the harvest in.

Muddy underfoot. I left later this morning, had a bit of a lie in, quite a treat.

No pretty cows this morning, quite sad really as they made me smile when I reached here.

Quite a change to the view with the clouds

Darcy normally hates puddles and avoids them at all costs, but he paddled through them today lol!!

Did some food shopping today so did not need to do an evening walk.

Steps today 11325

Monday, 30 July 2018

Day 29, 29th July

Absolutely cream cracked!  Lots of wind and rain, not a sight of the sun at all.

Darcy hated it, he does not like walking in the wind and rain. So he dragged behind the whole way round.

He avoided  the puddles all the way round the village

then when we got home, and had been dried off, he went and curled up in front of the Everhot and has not moved since we got back lol!

I am only doing the one walk today, I am ahead on steps so I am having a little bit of a lazy day today.
Steps today 8071

Sunday, 29 July 2018

Days, 26, 27 & 28.

Been up to visit my mum,  thought it would be difficult to get in the steps as I do a lot for mum, visit my godfather in a home and take him out if possible and go and see my Niece and her gorgeous children my Great Nieces and Nephew. Fortunately when I go up to mums it always involves lots of shopping for her so as I found out when I got back my step count wasn't too bad.

Sunrises quite a bit earlier, but it was still between 15-18C  so quite warm. I know its sounds daft but the sun seemed a lot closer??

I couldn't take too many photos, as I didn't want people thinking I was casing the joint!

The warm weather has broken as  write this, gales and exceptionally heavy rain is battering us. UK does not do weather by halves. I am not looking forward to walking in the rain :( but it will be nice if it s cooler.

Day 26 = 11654, Day 27 = 13022, Day 28 = 16154. 

Grand Total at the end of week 3 = 370244

Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Day 25, 25th July

Beautifully cool 13C with a bit of a breeze this morning which made it a bit chilly! It wasn't really just felt it after the high temps we have been having.

Stunning sunrise

I walked from the barn on the left, past the barn on the right, further along the track then up the hill

continuing on up the track following round to the very furthest clump of trees

and the very pretty cows

Not feeling to good at the mo, and it tells on my walk, this took me an 1.5 hours instead of 1 hour this morning.
Managed to get the rest of my steps in by pottering around the house and garden.

Steps today 13216

Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Day 24, 24th July

Decided to drive up to the 'gallops' this morning. It is totally stunning up here at this time of the morning.

and relatively cool too

quite wet under foot from the dew.

Darcy loves it

Then the clouds came in and covered the sun.

and the wildflowers are still stunning

then with off to 'fat club' (I lost 1.5lbs) which included a walk across town, some gardening in the evening 12172 steps done!

Monday, 23 July 2018

Day 23, 23rd July

Cor what a warm night, 26C in our bedroom and thats even with a big fan running. So I was hoping it maybe a bit cooler on the walk at 05.30 nope 18C far to warm for me and Darcy.

It was very overcast and misty this morning you couldn't see the hill behind the village

Lots and lots of swallows

I have never seen so many together, but that could be because I'm not normally up this early lol!

The village pond is now practically none existent

the baby coots are now walking around.

It warmed up a lot during the day today, far to hot for shopping so we had an evening excursion to make up my steps.

Darcy does enjoy romping round the back fields

and the sunset was beautiful this evening.

Steps today 14524

Sunday, 22 July 2018

Day 22, 22nd July

Another early start 05.30 and its already 15C.  Stunning sky this morning. I forgot to mention in my

last post, I have found a way to walk the same route but add steps, I weave! Instead of walking a straight line as usual,  I walk from one side of the road to the other. Clever huh! Poor Darcy has no idea whats going on, yesterday he followed me back and forth across the road. Today, I think because it was a track, so not as wide he kept trotting along his own little route.

The view across some of the fields. I reached the other side of the hill again

and was greeted by these beautiful coloured cows

one getting a bit closer than expected lol

So managed to achieve 11613 steps through out the whole day so fortunately no need for an evening walk.

Saturday, 21 July 2018

Day 21, 21st July

We had rain last night, not a lot and to be honest not nearly enough, but it did make it gloriously cool even though it was 13C the walk this morning was lovely.

No sun, well it was probably there just we couldn't see it.

So round the village we went, the swallows where flying in their hundreds down the road

and the leaves are falling like it is autumn but it is far from it

After my walk this morning I went out shopping (always good for steps) to buy a new pair of walking boots as the pair  I bought earlier this year are falling apart and will be going back!!

Steps today 12556.

So we have reached the end of week 3 and the total for this week was 93864

Friday, 20 July 2018

Day 20, 20th July

Up bright and early with a bounce in m step. Wish I felt like this every morning. So today we where back up at the 'Red Barn' walk heading to Morgans Hill.

Seeing the sun rise behind the hill, stunning.

A lovely 11C, and quite a bit of cloud cover.

Remember this clump of trees, my aim was to reach them and see what was over the other side.

Well I got there today, there is a bench with a fantastic view

over towards Bishop Cannings

and these lovely baby cows too.

so didn't need to do and evening walk as I went out with a friend later in the morning and we did a bit of walking. Total steps for the day 14276

Thursday, 19 July 2018

Day 19, 19th July

Definitely on a go slow today, even though the alarm is set for 05.15 at the start of this I would have been up and dressed and out the door before 05.30, I'm lucky if I'm out before 05.45 now!!

So around the village this morning, and no sun and a pleasant 11C

it was glorious, thoroughly enjoyed our morning walk

love it when its so quiet.

Past the village church,  St Andrews dates from the 13th-century rebuilding and the south arcade survives from that period. The tower is 15th century and the building was restored in 1840 and 1976.

The local public house, The Ivy Inn was built in the 17th century; some of the property deeds date from 1684. It seems to be going through a number of tenants at the moment, rather too quickly. The talk in the village is Wadworths (Brewery) are probably going to look to sell it to property developers! We shall see.

Part way through today I realised how close I was to hitting 250000, so I dug deep and did an extra long evening walk.

My total steps today 14874 giving me a grand total so far of 251320!!